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Ozone Therapy
Oxidative Conditioning, Basis for its Clinical Effectiveness

Ozone Pain Therapy by muscularsceletal and joint diseases.

The Application of Ozone Therapy in Pain Management, Rheumatic and Orthopaedic Diseases

Ozone in Medicine

The Role of Ozone Therapy in Elderly Rheumatic Patients

Ozone Therapy by Fibromyalgia
and other chronic disorder syndromes
More Literatures
- Knee-joint disorders treated by oxygen-ozone therapy by : E. Riva Sanseverino (1)
- The Influence of Ozone Therapy on the Remineralization of the Bone Tissue in Osteoporosis by Prof. Dr. med. E. Riva-Sanseverino (2)
- Ozone/Oxygen Therapy in Proctology by : H.-G. Knoch, W. Roschke and W. Klug (3)
- Einige Ergebnisse und therapeutische Aspekte von ozonisiertem Olivenol in der Veterinardermatologie by : Von S. Schulz, H. Schmitt, R. Obermeyer und I. Oepen (4)
- Subatmospheric 02/03-Treatment of Therapy-resistant wounds and ulcerations by : Horst Werkmeister(5)
- Intensive Medical and Physical Treatment of Osteoporosis with the Aid of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy by : E. Riva Sanseverino(6)
- Ozon-Sauertoff-Therapie derProktitis by : H.-G. Knoch, W. Klug(7)
- The effects of ozone and oxygen {$rc4 on Clindamycin-induced enterocolitis in the Siberian Dwarf Hamster (Phodopus sungorus) by : S. Schulz(8)
- lmmunological Examinations ln Patients Wth Chronic Conditions UnderAdministration Of Ozone/Orygen Mixtures by : J. Washuttl, R. Viebahn and l. Steiner(9)
- ln vitro Synergistic Activity of S-Fluorouracil with Low-Dose Ozone against a Chemoresistant Tumor Cell Line and Fresh Human Tumor Cells by : Kurt s. Zanker, Ronald Kroczek (10)
- The lnfluence Of Ozone On TumorTissue ln Comparison With Healthy Tissue (in vitro) by: J. Washuttl, R. Viebahn and l.Steiner (11)
- Ozonisiertes Olivenol : Experimentelle Ergebnisse bei der Wundheilung by : S. Schulz (12)
- lnformetioneblatt NR. a/ November 19BB : Zur grosscn Eigenblutbehandlung mit Ozon lndikationen, Mcthodik und Alternativcn by :Arztlichc GEaellEchaft Fur Ozontherapie E.V (13)
- Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation: Zeitschrift fur praxisnahe Medizin by : H. Wolff (14)
- Die Ozontherapie beiobliterierenden arteriellen Gefasserkrankungen und atonischen Geschwuren Chirurgisohe Klinik bei der Hedizinischen Fakultat der Hochschule Sofia. Bulgarien by: Prof. Dr. B. Baeff (15)
- Ozon-Sauerstoff injections behandlung Krebskranker unter besonderer Berucksichtigung gleichzejtiger Strahlentherapie Haligne Erkrankungen des reticuloendothelialen Systems by:H. Werkmeister (16)
- Klinische Kasuistik bei der Verwendung der Ozontherapie in der Zahnheilkunde. Zeitschrift fur die ardliche Praxis Hauptschriftleiter Dr. med. Brich KRUG Schriftleitung Dr. med. Herbert WARNING Wissenschaftlicher Beirat J. P. Dosch. Hunchen – K, O. Kuppe. Fussen -H. Lampert Bad Homburg v. d. H. – P. Neuhausser. Hunchen – G.Ozechowski. Koln S. Rilling. Stuttgart -W. Schulz. Bad Kreuznach – K. Sprado. FrankfurUM.H. Vill. Brlangen – H. Wolff.- FrankfurUM. Karl F. Haug Verlag/ Heidelberg (17)
- Ozone in Dental Medicine by : Ralf Turk (18)
- Ozone in Oral Surgery by : R. Turk (19)
- Coloproctology Blutgasanalytische Untersuchungen nach rektaler lnsufflation von ozonisiertem Saperstoff- Tierexperimentelie Untersuchungen by :W. Klug. H.-G. Knoch. W.Roschke (20)
- Zahnarrtliche Praxis : Klinische Untersuchung uber den therapeutischen Erfolg von ozonisiertem Wasser bei Gingivitis und Parodontitis by : Von A. Brauner (21)
- Ozone in the dental practice by ; f . Kramer (22)
- Positive treatment results in AIDS therapy by: Alexander Preuss (23)
- lnactivation of Human lmmunodeficiency Virus Type 1 by Ozone ln Vitro by : Keith H. Wells. Joseph Latino. Jarrie Gavalchin. and Bemard J. Poleaz (24)
- Studies on the Biological Effects of Ozone: lnduction of lnterferon gamma on Human Leucocytes by: Velio Bocci. Luana Paulesu (25)
- The role of ozone/oxygen in clindamycin-associated enterocolitis in the Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus ) by : S. Schulz (26)
- Ein neues Tiermodellzur intregalen Messung von Heilvorgangen bei kleinen Labortieren am Beispielvon ozonisiertem Olivenol by :Von S. Schulz (27)
- Effects of oxygen-ozone therapy on age-related degenerative retinal maculophathy by : E. Riva Sanseverino. R. A. Meduri. A. Pizzino. M. Prantera. E. Martini (28)
- Klinik und Biochemie der Ozonther:apie Originalbeitrag von Dr. med. Ottokar Rokitansky Fachar*fur Chirurgie. Wien (29)
- Das medizinische Ozon als Adjuvans in der Krebstherapie Kombinierte Tumortherapie by : O. RokitanskY. R. Viebahn. J. Washuttl (30)
- Balz und Schonbein-Medizinische Ozontherapie in Japan (9-12 September 1985) (31)
- Medical Ozone-usefulor just risky? by : Siegfried and Renate Viebahn (32)
- European Trade News Reprint from December 1989 (33)
- Demande de Brevet Europeen (34)
- Ozon in der Behandlung rezidivierender Soorkolpitiden by : H. Schonbauer. M. Metka.H. Salzer (35)
- Dosis-Wirkungsbereich der Ozontherapie by : Von J. Washuttl und O. Rokitansky (36)
- Wissenwertes uber Ozon und die Ozon-Sauerstoff’Therapie Ubersicht und Einfuhrung by :Von S. Rilling und R. Viebahn (37)
- Model einer zur O2-03-Unterdruckbegasung von Wuden an den distalen Extremitatenden by: H.Werkmeister (39)
- Zusammenfassung des Vortrages Uber die Behaldung von Ulcera mit Ozon by : Gehse.H. Gloor.M.,Glutsch.J (40)
- Behandlung therapieresistenter Crohnfisteln mit Hilfe lokaler Ozon Begasung by : J.Hagel (41)
- Langzeitergebnisse zur Ozonbehandtung der Proktitis by : H.G. Knoch und W.Klug (42)
- Behandlung der Gonarthrose durch Lokaltherapre mit Ozon-Sauerstoff by : E.Riva – Sanseverino (43)
- Die Beeinflussung sportmedizinch Relevanter Parameter Durch Ozonapplikation in From der: Groben Eigenblutbehaldung GEB Kleinen Eigenblutbehaldun KKB Rektalen Ozon- Sauerstoff-l nsufflation Kine Pilotstudie by Washuttl. R.Viebah n. l. Steiner. N. Bachl. R. Baron. L. P rokoP. J. Jackl (44)
- Positive Behandlung sergebnisse in derAlDS-Therapie by :Alexander Preuss (45)
- lmmunologische Aspekte bei chronischen Erkrankungen unter Ozon-Sauerstoff-Therapie by : J.Washuttl.R.Viebahn (46)
- A MajorAdvance in the Use of Growth Factors to Enhance Wound Healing Michael B. Sporn and Anita B. Roberts Laboratory of Chemoprevention National Cancer lnstitute (147)
- Ozontherapie in der Rehabilitation von Degenerationsleiden des Bewegungsapparates by : O.Bergsmann (47)
- Nachrichten aus dem Vereinsleben Kongresse.Veranstaltungen (48)
- Spring Conference der American Academy of Medical Preventives (AAHP) by : Vom 1.-4.Hai 1986 in Atlanta (Georgia) (49)
- Ozon-Kongresse-Vorchau Herbst 1986 (50)
- Arztliche Prakis.Hai 1986 by : Hannelore Bonnan (51)
- Hinweise fur Autoren by : lnhalt, umfang und auBere form der Arbeit (52)
- EditorialWASER + OZON, OZON + HEDIZIN (53)
- Das Verhalten der Mikrozirkulation nach Ozonbehandlung-ein Beirag zur Pathophysiologie der Ozontherapie by : F.-D.Ernst (54)
- Zur Frage der Teratogenitat und Toxitata von medizinischem Ozon-eine Studie an trachtigen Ratten by: Hetka.H .. Enzelsberger.H .. Salzer.H.und Rokitansky (55)
- Ozontherapeutischer Arbeitskreis Ozontherapie und Akupunktur by : Klaus-Rudiger Goebel (56)
- lmmunologische Untersuchugen bei chronischen Erkrankugen unter Verabreichung von Ozon-Sauerstoff-Gemischen by : WAshuttl.J .. Veibahn. R. und Steiner.L (57)
- Stellungnahme der Arztlichen Gesellschaft fur Ozontherapie zu der hyperbaren Methodik. Beider grossen Eigenblutbehandlung mit Ozon (58)
- Der Einflub von Ozon auf Tumorgewebe im Vergleich zu gesundem Gewebe ( in vitro ) by : Washuttl.J .. Viebahn. R. und Stainer. I (59)
- Ozon inactivates HIV at noncytotoxic concentrations (60)
- SAUERSTOFFTHERAPIEN Vergleichende Betrachung im Hinblick Auf Die Ozontherapie by : Von R. Viebahn – Hansler (62)
- Das Mikro-pearl-system, eine Applikationstechnik zur immunaktivierung und durchblutungs – fordernden Wirkung bei niedring dosienter ozontherapy by : Von R. Viebahn – Hansler (63)
- Ozontherapie Therapeutische Grundidee Und Wirksamkeit modelle by : Von R. Viebahn – Hansler (64)
- Ozon in der kieferchirurgie by: R. Turk
- Biochemische Aspekte der Ozon-Sauerstoff-Therapie by : Renate Viebahn und Josep Washuttl (65)
- Zur Durcfuhrung der grossen Eigenblutbehanlung mit ozon (66)
- Studies on the biological effects of ozone 5. Evaluation of lmmunological parameters and tolerabilitv in normal volunteers receiving ambulatory autohaemotherapy Autohaemotherapy B 2 microglobolin. cytokines. mx protein neopterin. ozone (68)
- Ozonbehandlung bei der chronischer plazen tain suffizienz by : H. Hetke H. Schanbaver. H.salzer (69)
- 10 Years Ozone World congress march 1991 monaco (70)
- Autohaemotherapy AfterTreatment of blood with ozone A reapprisal, by : V.Bocci (71)
- Ozone Application in medicine Thursday September 1 . 1994 Zunch Switzerland preceedings. (72)
- Comparison of ozone inactivation in flowing water of hepatitis A. Virus poliovirus 1. and indicatororganisms Received 15 March 1989/Accepted 18 August 1989 (73)
- Ozonetherapy today BOCCI ltaly (74)
- The influence of the efferent ozonotherapy on pulmonary functions in norm and pathology in experimentalanimals YAKOVLEVA Ye.l Russia (75)
- No increase in sister chromatid exchanges and micronuclet frequencyles in human lymphocytes exposed to ozone in vitro DIAZ S MENENDEZ S ENG L FERNANDEZI Cuba (76)
- Ozone in preventive medicine BECK E.G Germany (77)
- Oxygen ozone therapy and physical activity in humans RIVA SANSEVERINO E CASTELLACCI P. ltalv (78)
- Ozone therapy in ischemic cardiopathy WONG R MENENDEZ S CASTANER J PEREZ P Italy (79)
- Morphometabolism of myocardium functionalelement at haemonhagic shock correction by ozoned blood SMIRNOV V.P ZHEMARINA N.V ABRAMMOVICH V.V Russia (80)
- Additionaltherapy of cerebro – vascular disorder (here acute brain stroke) by ozone therapy WASSER G. H Germany (81)
- Ozone therapy and magneto therapy. New methods for the rehabilitation of patients with simple chronic glaucoma MENENDEZ S FERRER L.PEREZ Z Cuba (82)
- Medlcal Ozone in the treatment of lower extremities peripheral circulation disorders GORBUNOV S.N MIRONOV N.A ALYOKHINA S.P PIKALOVA G.M Russia (83)
- Ozone therapy in the functional recovery from diseases involving damage to central nervous system cells GOMEZ MOMLEDA M.A Spain (84)
- The used of ozone in orthopedics.Acute and chronic painful diseases of the joints and diseases of the periarticular region SIEMSEN C.H (85)
- Subcutaneous oxygen- ozone therapy in indurative hypodermatitis and in localised lipodystrophies : A clinical study of effcacy and tolerability FRANZINI M. BlGNlMlNl A MICHELETTI P VALDENASSI L AGOSTINI G. RICHELMI P.BERTE F ltaly (86)
- Application of ozonetherapy in complex treatment of inner female genital inflammatory diseases SHASCHOVA N.M KACHALINA T.S NEVMJATULLIN A.L Russia (87)
- Ozonetherapy in out-patient dermatological practice KRIVATKIN S.L GROMOV A.L KRIVATKINA E.V Russia (88)
- Ozone in oralsurgery – Current status and prospects FlLlPPlA. Gennany (89)
- ln vitro and clinica! examination of the effect of ozone/oxygen gas mixture on impression on the oral microflora BRAUNER A.W Germany (90)
- Ozone therapy for herpes simplex and herpes zoster KONRAD H.Brazil (91)
- Correlation of plasma interleukin I levels with disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis with and without ozone FAHMY Z (92)
- Ozone therapy of neurodermitis patients and its influence on pro and antioxidative system figures GLAVINSKAYA T.A IVANOVA O.A. Russia (93)
- Mobilization of the intestinal immune system by ozone EBERHARDT H.G (94)
- Ozone therapy and gasometric study WONG R. TORRIBNTE D.SOLBR A.NORIEGA A Cuba (95)
- Phisico chemical properties of ozonated isotonic sodium chloride solution KONTORSCHIKOVA C.N Russia (96)
- Phisico chemical properties of ozonated isotonic sodium chloride solution
KONTORSCHIKOVA C.N Russia (97) - Experimental and clinical reasons to the use of ozone containing preparation in a pysepticalsurgery MIROSHIN S. I BOLGOV V. F. PBRETY GIN S .P, KONTORSHIKOVA C.N Russia (98)
- Dose dependent effect at inter-action of ozone with undiluted blood PERETYGIN S.P Russia (99)
- Blood and tissue biochemical study of normo and hypercholesterolemic rabbits treated with ozone HERNANDEZF. MENENDEZ S ALVARES I Cuba (100)
- Multi-purpose medicaldevice STEL MT 2-60 for electrochemical synthesis of activated solutions BAHKIR V.M Russia (101)
- Organizational structure and tasks of ozonotherapy service in healthcare institutionals of Nizhny Novgorod Region PERETYAGIN S.P KARTSBVSKY A.V and others. Russia (102)
- Application of ozone therapy in children with humoral immunlty deficiency MENENDEZ S.IGLESIAS O. BIDOT C PUGA R CARBALLO A Cuba (103)
- Ozone therapy like a favouring element in the rehabilitation of children with hearing loss BASABE E.MENENDEZ S. SBGARRA F. PONCE DE LEON H. Cuba (104)
- Onicomycosis treated with ozonized oil MENENDEZ S.GRILLO R.FALCON L.DANIAL R. DIAZ W. Cuba (105)
- Application of ozonized oil ovules in the treatment of vulvovaginitis Preliminary study MENDENDEZ S.REBULL J.L MOLERIO J. DIAZW Cuba (106)
- Applicatibn of ozonized oil in the treatment of infected radicule conduits MENENDEZ S.CHUZ O.REYES 0 LABAUT D.CRUZ 0 ENG L DIAZ W. Cuba (107)
- Ozonotherapy in a complex treatment of threatened of abortion GRECHKANYOV G.O KACHALIA T.S. Russia (108)
- Application of ozonized oil in the treatment of infantile giardiasis MENENDEZ S GONZALEZM.E BLANCO RABASA E. ENG L Cuba (109)
- The influence of ozone therapy on pathologic immune profile Control by the C.E.I.A floculation test. SAUER H. Gremany (110)
- Biochemicalsafety control in ozonetherapy Kontorschikova C.N medicalacademy, nizhni novgorod, Russia Abstract (111)
- Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 6 Production of transforming growth factor I by human blood after ozone treatment. by : V.Bocci E. Luzzi f. Corradeschi S. Silvestri (112)
- Ozone: a Mixed Blessing New Mechanisms of the Action of Ozone on Blood Cells make Ozonated MajorAutohaemotherapy (MAH) a RationalApproach. by : V.Bocci lnstitute Of General Physiology, University of Siena, ltaly (113)
- Die Ozon-Therapie Bei peripheren Arteriellen Durchblutung sstorungen (114)
- Uber experimentelle Versuche der Ozon-Anwendung bei der krebsbehandlung. Ein beitrag zum podiumgesprach des krebssymposiums in Baden-baden 1081 by : O. Roki” tansky, R. Viebahn, ,J. wastull (115)
- Ozontherapie und Enzyme bei der chronisch-arteriellen verschlubkrankheit. Ein konservatives Behandlungsverfahren mit hoher Erfolgsquote. by:.O.Von Rokitansky med.Rat Dr.Ottokar Freiherr v. Rokitansky Walfischgasse 1418 A-1010 Wien (116)
- Ozone as a bioregulator. Pharmacology and toxicology of ozonetherapy today V. BOCCI lnstitute of General Physiology of The University of Siena. Siena – ltaly (117)
- The Effest of Ozone on PlEtelet Ac{ivetion (Bulletln of Japan ReEeerut: Assoeiation for the Medlcsl Use of Ozone) By : K. Matsuno, T. Miura and N. Shinriki College of Medieal Technology, Hokkaido Unlvereity Tsukube Meteriala lnformstion Laboratory, Sapporo Branch. (119)
- Ozone in MEdlclne: Overvlew and Future DlreE{isns hy Gerard V. Sunnen, M.D, (121)
- lntramammary Application of Ozone Therapy to Acute Clinical Mastilis in Dairy Cows Atsuya OGATA and Hajime NAGAHATA (122)
- The Respiratory Burst Oxidase Stephen J. Chanock, Jamel El Benna, Robert M. Smith, and Bernard M. Babior (123)
- Detection of Platelet-derived Growth Factor (PDGF)-AA in Actively Healing Human Wounds Treated with Recombinant PDGF-BB and Absence of PDGF in Chronic Nonhealing Wounds By : Glenn F. Pierce, John E. Tarpley, Julia Tseng, James Bready, David Chang, William C.enney, Ross Rudolph, Martin C. Robson, Jerry Vande Berg, Patricia Reid, Stephen Kaufman, and Catherine L. Fanell (124)
- One Systemic Administration of Transforming Growth Factor-B1 Reverses Age- or Glucocorticoid-impaired Wound Healing By : L. Steven Beck, Leo DeGuzman, Wyne P. Lee, Yvette Xu, Mark W. Siegel, and Edward P. Amento lnflammation. Bone and Connective Tissue Research. Departments of Developmental Biology and Safety Evaluation, Genentech lnc.,South San Francisco California 94080; and Stanford University Schoolof Medicine. Stanford, California 94305 (125)
- Cystamine Potently Suppresses ln Vitro HIV Replication in Acutely and Chronically lnfected Human Cells by : Alberto Bergamini; Marcella Capozzi; Lina Ghibelli,* Luciana Dini,’ Agata Salanitro; Giuseppe Milanese; Thomas Wagner,l l Simone Beninati,” Caterina Delfina Pes@,’ Carla Amici,n and Giovanni Rocchi* Departments of Public Health Biology and Experimental Medicine University of Rome “Tor Vergata.” 00173. Rome. ltaly. Deparrment of Biology University of Leece, 73100. Leece, ltaly, Deparment of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology. The University of Chicago. Chicago. lllinois 60637 (126)
- Randomised double-blind comparison of chimeric monoclonal antibody to tumour necrosis .factor q (cA2) versus placebo in rheumatoid arthritis. By : Michael J Elliott, Ravinder N Maini, Marc Feldmann, Joachim R Kalden, Christian AntoniJosef S Smolen Burkhard Leeb, Ferdinand C Breedveld, John 0 Macfarlane, Hanny Bijl, James N Woody (127)
- Expression of ICAM-1 in airway epithelium after acute ozonq exposure in the mouse By : NOBUYOSHITAKAHASHI, XIAO.YING YD, BRIAN H. SCHOF]ELD, STEVEN R. KLEEBERGER, ALAN L. SCOTT, SHIZUO HASEGAWA, AND ERNST W. SPANNHAKE Departments of Environmental Health Sciences and of Molecular Microbiology and lmmunology. The Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland 21205; and Divis on of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of lnternal Medicine, Tsukuba University, lbaraki305, Japan (128)
- Blutgasanalytische Untersuchungen nach rektaler I nsufflation von ozonisiertem Sauerstoff-Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen By: W. Klug, H.-G. Knoch, W. Roschke (129)
- Effect of Altitude on Oxygen Binding by Hemoglobin and on Organic Phosphate Levels By : CLAUDE LENFANT, JOHN TORRA CE, EUGENIA ENGLISH, CLEMENT A. FINCH, CESAR REYNAFARJE, JOSE RAMOS, and JOSE FAURA From the Departments of Medicine and of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington 98105, and the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru (130)
- Oxidants and Antioxidants: State of the Art By : Aal Bast, PhD., Guido R.M.M. Haenen Ph.D., Cees J.A. Doelman, Ph.D., Amsterdam. The Netherlands (131)
- The oxidation hypothesis of atherosclerosis By : Joseph L Witztum (132)
- Oxidative damage ln neurodegeneratlve disease By : PJenner (133)
- Glutathione-AscorbicAcid Antioxidant System in Animals* Alton Meister From the Department of Biochemistry, Cornell University Medical College, New York, New York 10021 (134)
- Oxygen RadicalScavengers Selec{ively lnhibit lnterleukin 8 Production in Human Whole Blood Laura E. DeForge, Joseph C. Fantone, John S. Kenney, * and Daniel G. Remick Department 0/ Pathology. University 0/ Michigan MedicalSchool, Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109-0602; and ” Department of Cellular lmmunology, Syntex Research. lnc., Palo Alto, California 94304 (135)
- Milestones of Medical Ozone .Key Note Speech on the occasion of the 15 th Ozone Wortd Congress, September 2001 Renate Viebahn-Haensler Medical Society for Ozone Application in Prevention and Therapy Nordring 8,D-76473lffezheim, Germany (136)
- Normaloxidative damage to mitochondrial and nuclear DNA is extensive (8_bydroxydeoxyguanosinel aging/ cancer/ mutation) CHRISTOPH RICHTER*, JEENWOO PARK, AND BRUCE N. AMES. Department of Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA9472A Contributed by Bruce N. Ames. May 19. 1988 (137)
- Erythrocytes of Japanese charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis). Fukunaga K, Suzuki T, Arita M, Suzuki S, Hara A, Yamauchi K, Shinriki N, lshizaki K, TakamaK Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University, Hakodate, Japan. (138)
- Kosong
- Therapeutic efficacy of ozone in patients with diabetic foot Gregorio Martinez-Sanchez, Saied M. Al-Dalain, Silvia Menendez, Lamberto Re, Attilia Giuliani. Eduardo Candelario-Jalil, HectorAlvarez,Jose lgnacio Fernandez-Montequin, Olga Sonia Leon (140)
- Kosong
- Kosong
- Veterinary Use of lntravenous Ozone and otherOzone Applications. Originally written by Citizen’s Council for Truth in Medicine, Washington, DC (143)
- Double-Blind Controlled Trial of Oral Clodronate in Patients wiith Bone Metastases From Breast Cancer By A.H.G. Paterson. T.J. Powles, J.A. Kanis, E. McCloskey, J. Hanson, and S. Ashley (144)
- Kariesbefunde an bleibenden Zahnen von 7-bis 15 jahreigen Hamburger Schulern HJ. Gulzow. R. Bamfaste, S. Hoffmann (145)
- Effect of.Ozone Exposure On Lung MilochondrialOxidative Metabolism Mohammad G. Must#a, Anthony J. Delucia, Carroll E. Cross, George K. York and Donald L Dungworth. (146)
- A MajorAdvance in the Use of Growth Factors to Enhance Wound Healing Michael B. Sporn and Anita B. Roberts Laboratory of Chemoprevention National Cancer lnstitute (147)
- Oxygen & Ozone Therapies – Bring Your Oxy Produst Home To Us – Oxy File #1
- Oxygen & Ozone Therapies – The Family News – Your News Catalog Headquarters for Oxygen & Ozone – Oxy File#4
- Oxygen & Ozone Therapies – Odatus – Addressing Indoor Air Quality and Sick Building Syndrome – Oxy File#5
- Oxygen & Ozone Therapies – Have Oxygen Therapies Helped You ? – Share Your Testimonial with – Oxy File#6
- Oxygen & Ozone Therapies Plasmafire – Quality Ozone Generators – Oxy File#7
- Oxygen & Ozone Therapies – Web Solutions – Spesializing in Alternative Health Websites – Oxy File#22
- Oxygen & Ozone Therapies – Web Solutions – Spesializing in Alternative Health Websites – Oxy File#39
- Oxygen & Ozone Therapies – Have Oxygen Therapies Helped You ? – Share Your Testimonial with – Oxy File#150
- Oxygen & Ozone Therapies Plasmafire – Quality Ozone Generators – Oxy File#337
- Oxygen & Ozone Therapies – Bring Your Oxy Produst Home To Us – Ozone Therapy
- Oxygen & Ozone Therapies – Bring Your Oxy Produst Home To Us – Doctors & Clinic in Canada & United States
- The Immunozone Story
- The Carolina Center for Alternative and Nutritional Medicine By John C. Pittman, M.D
- Overview of Medizone International, Inc. : Scientific Framework
- Ozone / Oxygen prepared by Martin A.Majchrowicz Spring 1994
- 1994 Spring, Project Inform Fact Sheet – Ozone/ Oxygen Reprinted from : AIDS PROJECT LOS ANGELES Spring 1994
- Medizone Announces Canadian Blood Forces Program Status
- Oxygen & Ozone Therapies – Canada’s Former Deputy Surgeon General & Ozone
- Ozone Therapy
- “First U.S. Clinical Research on Medical Treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa Using Ozone”
- New Age Journal Re : Ozone/Oxygen Therapy & Hepatitis C
- The Basic Clinical Applications of Ozone Therapy by S.Rilling
- The Biochemical Process Underlying Ozone Therapy by R. Viebahn
- Ozone: a Mixed Blessing
- Brain Ischemia and Hypometabolism Treated by Ozone Therapy
- Has oxygen – Ozone Therapy a Future in Medicine? By Velio Bocci
- Persistent PORT-A-CATH – Related Fistula and Fibrosis in A Breast Cancer Patient Succesfully Treated with Local Ozone Application
- Ozone Oxydative post-conditioning reduces oxidative protein damage in patients with disc hernia
- Medical Ozone is now Ready for a scientific challenge : current status and future perspectives
- Ozone Therapy in Female Infertility – Rajani Chandra-D’Mello & Ronald D’Mello – Institute of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Baku, Azerbaijan.