
Major autohemotherapy as extracorporeal treatment

The Micro-Bubble-System

In major autohemotherapy as extracorporeal blood treatment provides best ozone diffusion and optimizes the reaction with blood components. With or without citrate as anticoagulant.
Angiopathias, arterial circulatory disturbances, chronic inflammatory diseases, chronic hepatitis and as a complementary in oncology.

Rectal O3 / O2 gas insufflation

Indications same as for major autohemotherapy MAH, especially in chronic forms of hepatitis, and intestinal conditions such as colitis and proctitis

Topic injection techniques and minor autohemotherapy

With ozone-resistant, siliconized disposable syringes and bacterial filters (0.2 µm).

Pain management, gonarthrosis, trigger points, acupuncture points, disc hernia.

Minor autohemotherapy

Acne vulgaris (common acne), allergies, adjuvant in cancer therapy, unspecific immunoactivation. FotoAcne vulgaris (common acne), allergies, adjuvant in cancer therapy, unspecific immunoactivation.

Transcutaneous gasbath and low pressure ozone gas application acc. to Werkmeister

Diabetic gangrene, badly healing wounds, all forms of dermatosis, fistulae and radiation damage.

Ozonized water

For topical application in aphthae, fungus infections, burns and infected wounds, fresh lesions following surgery. Fotofor topical application in aphthae, fungus infections, burns and infected wounds, fresh lesions following surgery. 


As a cosmetic it is used for problematic skin, as well as for stimulation of cell metabolism for revitalization and regeneration of the skin (anti aging effect).