Rectal Ozone Insufflation
Rectal ozone insufflation
This is one of the earliest forms of application in ozone therapy (Aubourg 1936). Based on animal investigations and a comprehensive proctological study (Knoch 1987), rectal insufflation with an O3/O2 gas mixture is increasingly being used as a systemic therapeutic form, and is already being viewed as an alternative to MAH; it is the method of choice in ped-iatrics.
A rectal insufflation set consists of:
An ozone supply container with lock valve, dosing bag with non-return valves, connecting tube with luer/luer lock or 50 ml silicone-coated disposable syringe, and rectal catheter.
Local: Ulcerous colitis, proctitis, stages I and II, anal fistulae and fissures.
Systemic: Indications cited for MAH, hepatitis B and C,
for immunomodulation (complementary method in oncology)
Systemic: 10-25 µg ozone/ml oxygen gas mixture, volume 150-300 ml;
for children: 10-20 µg/ml, volume 10-30 ml
Local: in ulcerous colitis, high O3/O2 concentrations (70-80-100 µg/ml) and
small volumes (50 ml) are applied; on cessation of hemorrhage, this is reduced to 30-20 µg/ml, followed by systemic efficacy: 10-20 µg/ml, 150-300 ml volume.